It is so heartwarming to muse over old family photos, remembering funny moments and the quirky habits of those we love.

Nothing quite captures this as well as video, where the subtle facial expressions they make, or the way they laugh is caught it time, to be enjoyed for years to come.

Make the commitment today to record these wonderful moments together, capture the essence of childhood, and relive these wonderful memories again and again.


Enjoy some quality time with your loved ones, as you might do on a holiday or day off. Relax and enjoy three different activities or locations that bring you together as a family, as these are the moments we most want to reminisce.

I will spend the day with you, capturing discreetly your unique characters and relationships on camera, so that you can relive these moments for years to come.

Some suggested activities include:

  • Cooking a traditional family recipe together
  • Hiking in the great outdoors
  • Playing and competing in your favourite sports
  • Getting creative or messy with some arts and crafts
  • Unwinding in your quiet safe space reading a book
  • Whatever it is that makes you feel at home with your family, even when you are away from home.


For families that would like to capture the essence of childhood:

‣ A family video for all generations to enjoy
‣ A thoughtful gift for friends and loved ones


Prices start at 2500aed

Get in touch today for a personalised quotation


1 or 2 local areas:
‣ Your home
‣ Public area of your choosing